Later on the overall light had improved and some young girls had assembled on a small dias. In full voice they were performing a song in a cappella. Their massed loveableness brought a smile and a tear. What also made me smile me was their song “I still call Australia home.” The lyrics eg. “I’ve been to cities that never close down..” and ” no matter how far and how wide that I roam” was so funny, as if these tiny girls were all world weary travellers, used to the nightlife and become jaded with it and longing for home. The reality of course is that in their short, untravelled lives they have only ever been tucked up in bed safe and warm by 8.30pm! : – ) The girl at front, after she introduced everyone and the song in equally fluent Chinese and English received some surprise applause for this even before the song commenced. Her separate language skills meant little to her but young children are enviably so good at language.